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Episode 6
The Back Full of Meaning
 Kanji 意味の背中
 Romaji Imi no Senaka
Theme Songs
Anime Chronology
 Previous Episode 5
 Next Episode 7
 Dubbed January 8, 2016

Episode 6 was originally released on August 10, 2015 in Japan. Funimation made an official subtitled version of it available on their official site as well as other popular viewing sites such as Hulu, Crunchyroll, and AnimeLab.

An English dub was released by Funimation on January 8, 2016.

Episode 6 covers events from Chapter 8 & 9 of the manga.


Zen's older brother, Prince Izana, makes his appearance and right away attempts to figure out the relationship between Zen and Shirayuki. In the process, he brings Prince Raji into the scene.


Shirayuki finishes telling Garak Gazelt and Ryuu what took place at the Fort Lockstow. The two praise Shirayuki's work in discovering what was causing the illness and for helping the soldiers recover. The two advise Shirayuki to take the rest of the day off and manage to get her to agree since they believe she needs the rest. After she departs, they wonder if she has heard about Prince Izana.

The following morning, Shirayuki is going over her plans for the day when she runs into Zen. The prince right away notices that Shirayuki is now dressed as an apprentice and muses how she has gotten her official ID. With Shirayuki now residing in the castle, she tells Zen how it will be easier for her to continue her studies now that she has more to learn. Zen confesses that he himself will be rather busy as he finishes up things relating to the incident at the fort and adds that it may be a little while before they are able to see each other again. When Shirayuki tries to leave, Zen asks her if she is bothered by the possibility they won't see one another only for Shirayuki to ask him the same in return.

Zen, Kiki, and Mitsuhide are finishing reports concerning Fort Lockstow. As they make their way to the achieves, Kiki notices that the guards stations have changed and that there have also been an increase in guards. Sitting in a tree, Obi expresses his boredom while commenting how everyone else appears to be busy. He suddenly spots something and a rock grazes his cheek. In the castle, Zen finds himself stopped by guards from continuing to a different part of the castle. The guards are unable to answer why he is not allowed any further but he appears to already know the reason. As he requests Kiki and Mitsuhide to make themselves more presentable, Zen next calls for Obi. Zen is about to make a request when he notices the scratch on Obi's check. Before Zen can continue his statement, a messenger arrives with a letter for Zen. After Zen reads the letter, he warns Obi to keep his appearance clear and to wait for his return. In a greenhouse, Shirayuki has been informed that she has been summoned and is told to wait in the room of Chanting Flowers.

In a hallway, Zen, Mitsuhide, and Kiki enter a room where Zen greets his older brother. He questions Izana about why he was not informed of his return only for Izana to reply that he was wanting to see how long it would take Zen to notice him first. At the same time, Shirayuki is lead into a neighboring room and is advised to keep quiet. In the curtained room, Shirayuki can hear the conversation between Izana and Zen concerning what happened at Fort Lockstow. Hearing the way Izana is speaking to Zen, Shirayuki guesses that he is Zen's older brother and the First Prince of Clarines.

Izana continues to question Zen about the company that he took to the fort and why he did not see the need to punish any of the soldiers. Hearing Zen's reasonings, Izana believes that he should remove Zen's need to overlook Lockstow for six months as his own form of punishment. Mitsuhide and Kiki understand that this could cause the Lockstow soldiers to feel worse and that Zen most likely is not taking this news well. Zen reluctantly accepts Izana's punishment then is surprised when Izana reveals Shirayuki in the next room. Izana attempts to dismiss the group but Zen is able to quickly hug Shirayuki and assure her he will find her afterwards before he leaves.

Now alone with Izana, Shirayuki questions if he wanted to consult her regarding Fort Lockstow. Izana denies this before stating that he sees Shirayuki and Zen have a special relationship and finds it odd since Shirayuki is of lower status. Izana wonders if there is something about Shirayuki that keeps Zen interested but Shirayuki answers that she cannot tell what others think and only tries to be herself. Izana finds her answer fair and honest before allowing her to leave. Before she does, Izana states that he finds it negligent that Zen would willingly invite a foreign woman with rare hair into the castle which could impact his overall judgement.

Some time later, Prince Raji is standing before the castle and remarks how he would like to depart. He is reminded that he was summoned by Izana with the intent of improving their relationship and their kingdoms. Despite this, Raji still wonders why Izana is inviting him after how much time has passed. After getting a stomach pain, Raji nervously watches as the gates open and he spots Zen on the other side.

At the gathering, Mitsuhide admits that he finds it odd that Izana would invite Raji to Clarines but Kiki sarcastically points out that it would be a hilarious encounter for Izana to meet Raji after everything he had done to Shirayuki which resulted in her now residing in Clarines. Despite this, the two do admit that is suspicious especially after Izana had summoned Shirayuki and wonder what it is he is up to. Izana then makes his appearance to greet Raji and move the party out into the garden.

Shirayuki hides behind a railing to see what's happening and is surprised when Obi sneaks up on her. Admitting that he was relieved of duty and also wanted to see what was causing everyone to act so strange, Obi realizes that Shirayuki is originally from the kingdom where Raji rules over. Confessing he was purposely looking for Shirayuki, Obi convinces her to join him in spying on the festivities from a closer distance. As the two hide behind a hedge, Obi is startled to hear Zen speaking with Lord Haruka about Obi now serving Zen.

Izana and Raji locate Zen. Raji and Zen both admit they only exchanged formal greetings earlier and claim to have just met. Izana questions Raji about having supposedly fallen in love with a girl with red hair and reveals that she is actually in the castle. Raji tries to act like he does not know who Izana is speaking of but is forced by Zen to admit that he knows her. Izana suspects that Raji still holds feelings for Shirayuki and offers to have her join them. Zen claims that Izana is reading too deeply into the matter but Izana thinks otherwise and brings up the possibility that Shirayuki may want to return to her home country one day. Zen becomes angered at this.

Obi finds the conversation to be getting rather tense and notices Shirayuki appearing apprehensive. As they leave the area, Shirayuki wonders if they may want her to leave Clarines and think she is no longer useful. Zen tries to get a stunned Raji to speak. Raji replies that Shirayuki was allowed to leave Tanbarun with his blessing as she simply wanted to be in another country and that there was no type of affection between them. Raji becomes nervous when Izana asks why he does not wish to see her and recalls his previous encounter with Zen about swearing to stay away from Shirayuki. In his panic, Raji attempts to claim that he's heard rumors that Zen considers Shirayuki his fiancée and that the two will one day soon be married. His statement causes everyone around him to go into shock until Zen drags him away to speak in private.

Zen questions why Raji would make such a statement. Raji tried to stay clear of their past history in front of Izana and admits that he exaggerated a bit but knows deep down that his statement was true as he believes it's clear that Zen and Shirayuki are in love with each other. Thinking that Zen is saying otherwise, Raji points out that Shirayuki could actually leave one day unless Zen made it clear how he cares about her. However, Raji promises that he will do everything in his power to genuinely make Shirayuki happy if Zen does not want to be with her, especially since it appears this is what Izana wants. Zen clarifies that Shirayuki is in Clarines but not because of what happened during their last interaction and admits that he hopes she will stay. Zen returns to Izana and Haruka and claims that Raji was merely making silly claims earlier and states that he has not proposed to Shirayuki and she is therefore not his fiancée.

As Shirayuki is leaving for the day, she wonders how long Raji will be staying at the castle and if she will be made to go back to Tanbarun with him even though she does not want to go back. Remembering how Izana had claimed Zen's judgement as a prince would be affected, Shirayuki wonders if it would benefit or harm Zen if she continued to stay in Clarines. Remembering her conversation with Zen about where she ultimately hopes to be, Shirayuki rushes to find Zen but finds he is no longer where she last saw him.

Character Appearances[]

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  • Izana is amused by Shirayuki. Even though she did show him respect as the Crown Prince, she called hik Zen's big brother; something so informal its outright silly.