Akagami No Shirayukihime! Wiki
Sui Retainer Ch10
 Gender Male
 Age older than 20
Professional Status
 Affiliation Sui, Clarines
 Occupation Noble Lord, Retainer
 Title Lord Sui, Retainer of Sui
Personal Status
 Relatives Lord Sui (deposed), Anasagi
 Relationships Mikage (ally), Lord Sui (deposed) (former employer)
 Friendships Izana Wistaria
 Manga Chapter 10

Lord Sui is the current Lord of Sui. He was previously the retainer of the former lord of Sui before he was banished from the estate for arguing incessantly with the Lord and disagreeing about the rate and intention of the taxation on the populous. His familial relation to the former head of house is unknown, and it is unknown if prior to his banishment he was the Lord's chosen heir as he was the heir to the estate chosen by the crown after the former lord disgraced himself and his family by consorting with criminals and having business in the criminal underworld.


Lord Sui is a tall man with long layered light colored wavy hair which he keeps in a low ponytail draped over his right shoulder. His other physical features include dark eyes, attached earlobes and a fit physique.

Even when he was a retainer and had been banished and stripped of the titles afforded him by birth by the former Lord of Sui he always wears a cape with a wide hood clasped so that the front opening is wide enough to show off his clothing underneath. At all times when his status allows it of him he wears a sword.


Lord Sui is a confident man with a deep seated sense of noblesse oblige and the honor in good governorship. He takes his duties seriously, to the point of going behind his former lord's back to present complaints about his ruinous behavior to the crown even knowing it would likely leave him fired, banished and considered disgraced and estranged from his family. He has done his best to lead his family in a better direction than the previous head of house.


Lord Sui was previously the retainer of the previous Lord Sui. His retainer wouldn't stop raising his objections to his actions the previous Lord Sui fired and banished him from the estate. Izana had foreseen this outcome and secretly gave him a position overseeing a the construction of a new castle alongside Mikage while Izana gathered evidence against Lords Rid and Sui in order to deposes them of their lands and titles. Due to his being unhesitating and unafraid to risk his livelihood and titles to try to stop his employer from abusing his people he ended up being given the title of Lord Sui himself after Izana brought the former lord to ruin.


Izana Wistaria[]

Ally, monarch, lord and friend.

Lord Sui (deposed)[]

Former lord and employee.

Mikage of Rid[]

Peer and ally. The current Lord of Rid, which shares a border with the Sui Estate. Like Lord Sui he was once the retainer of the corrupt former lord of his estate and they worked together to oversee the building of Izana's never completed (nor intended to be completed) castle on the shared border of the lands they now oversee after being banished from Sui and Rid by their former lords.



  • Lord Sui first appeared in Chapter 10 though a member of his family who seems to be his retainer appeared earlier, in Chapter 5.
  • While Lord Sui is a lord just what his title is has been left ambiguous and it is not clear if he is a Marquess, Count, Viscount or something else.